Friday 12 August 2011

shooting page

I really struggled putting this page together, firstly I originally had two pictures of the police officer on the left the first shouting whilst pointing his gun and the second is the one you see here, it didn't fit together having two similar images in a small space.

And I was planning on having an image of a city behind him and do it in a similar manner to my self conflict image but it didn't fit in with the left side of the piece so I decided to double up the background and mirror it, its colour (light, bright) represents the discharge from the weapon and joins both images up as if showing the path of the bullet.

This is an alternative where I was going with a forensic blue UV light look however it didn't go to plan on one side and I tried for a long time to correct it but I couldn't and therefore conceded defeat ( the right side looks great especially with the cityscape albeit the robber character did look a bit out of place when threshold-ed.) 

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