Tuesday 9 August 2011

Fight scene

This is the fight scene, I used motion blur on the fist and other parts of the body to represent motion, and used colour and luminosity to draw attention to certain parts of the piece. 
The second scene of them fighting (right side) is a negative, I inverted the colours and added a blending option to the layer so that the orange gradient behind it would effect it as it has done, I use blending options a lot in all of these pages, and is also feature behind the left side fight the paint splashes that look illuminated due to many layers being blended with white, to create a background that makes the character stand out. The gritty and messy paint splashes are a result of implementing the style of both Dave Mckean and Tim Marrs into my work which works really well and allows the dark clothed robber character to stand out against the black background and provide a solid silhouette for the character.

I think this is one of the most successful things so far and it is colourful without looking ridiculous or distracting.

What it previously looked like:
The colour was much subtler in this one not as bright or imposing. So I experimented in the way that I did on the previous page and made a glow behind the fighters and it worked well with the robbers dark outfit.

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