Friday 5 August 2011

Artist study: Dave Mckean

Dave Mckean is very interesting, he has a very strange style its very sketchy and imperfect, but its purposeful, its messy and that is partly why it is appealing it encompasses the page with tones and brushstrokes, the images overlap into over areas and allows seamless transitions between pages and a scenes, he puts several images together to make one, for instance he would create a scenes environment out of a photograph which he has taken of a paint stroke and then paint some more and photograph and then implement it into the background.

Such as this:

This allows him to put a large array of colour into just one image and blend it seamlessly.

Which I have been doing with some of my work lately especially on the last image I posted to make different textures and patterns.

This is another of Mckean's work a graphic novel called Arkham Asylum, which features batman.
However throughout the book he is never really seen directly or in detail, just vaguely and as a shadow, which mirrors what he is in a way.
I thought this sort of representation of the robber in my book would be good, giving him an ominous presence which also reflects what he is, if he can't be directly looked upon. 

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