Tuesday 21 June 2011

Final Outcome for Self Conflict, to show skill in photoshop.

I was very please with how this piece turned out, It looks great and it has a very moody and climatic tone to it, I used colour grading and increasing the contrast and drowning out the natural colours from orange to a blue helped make it seem as if it fitted in with the background which is always important.

Looking at it now the only thing I would say I could improve on this piece is the floor below the characters as the texture I used just doesn't look tight that may be due to the stretching I applied to it to make it look as if it is on a 3rd dimension instead of something flat and unrealistic in hopes of giving the piece depth and realism.

I really liked the effected I used to make the characters look wet due to the rain, on the character in the vest I used the filter plastic wrap, sparingly however as if I put it on the whole character it would've look terrible so I only used it on the shoulders and arms, and for the rest and the other character I painted the water droplets and running water on with a tablet.

After that I applied a misting effect to make it look like the rain is hitting the characters and splintering off into tiny particles.

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