Sunday 26 June 2011

Burglar and Police photos

I started by taking photos in various poses both for a burglar and police detective, each with their own costumes,


The expression on the face is a bit silly on this one so I will decide against using it.

A lot of these initial robber photos were very good however some were to similar such as this and the one below.

This photo above is I believe,  the best out of the lot, the posturing of the character is very nice and gives him a heroic composure, which is contradictory to who is actually is.
I added leather gloves as it seems like something a criminal would wear to avoid leaving finger prints.

These cloud formations I took outside my window at the top of the house so all I had was the sky above me and the results were interesting, it allowed me to capture a great expanse of sky and a massive looming over cloud.

The colouring on this one seems a bit off giving the clouds a horrible yellow tinge.

This is a better version that the one above, even if it could've been changed in photoshop it is good to have a original photo that doesn't need much changing.
These cloud images I plan on using as part of the backdrops to my work for the sky.


I put on a entirely different out fit and combed back my hair but left it wet and messy to give me a rugged but believable police officer look.
This above was a good photo however I wanted one with a gun or a cigarette in his hand so I decided not to use this one.

Again this image I wasn't pleased with the way I was standing so I do not think I will be using it later on in the project.

This is a good photo in my opinion, I left the hand up so I could insert a prop, such as a gun or cigarette.
To certify that he is in-fact a cop and not just a mysterious looking man.


Unfortunately  these images were out of focus, however the posturing was good and I had plans to use this in a very cheesy way, similar to a james bond poster...

again this is out of focus and the posturing I didn't like compared to the one before.

This above however I really like it is a tiny bit out of focus but not as much as the others, I like the soft lighting and by far it is the best out of the 3 when it comes to positioning of the character.

This photo works very well the lighting from the window in front of me (not seen in the photo) is giving some nice natural lighting and helps make it seem more dramatic and depth in the image by producing shadows and highlights on the coat and face. Similar to the lighting in the photo above.

This is the best pose out of the mid range shots of the cop character however it is completely out of focus much like those below it, If it wasn't it would've been a great photo and my choice in the future of this project.

Out of focus and over exposed slightly, again a shame as it would've been a good image to use.
Largely down to my lack of experience with the SLR cameras at the time.

Similar to the others where it is ruined by lack of focus in the photos.


A variation on the robber outfit with a leather jacket, and more of a sinister pose.
However the face I didn't like at all.

More of the same as above but from further away, I thought it best to fit the whole body in in order to implement it into a environment

This is possibly the best robber 2 pose addition of gun certifies that he is a criminal, a more relaxed pose but it works and the lighting on the jacket is good with reflections and defined dark patches.

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