Monday 31 October 2011

Front page revisited + extra variations in the style of Tim Marrs

As I said with the first rendition of this the text wasn't well placed or lit, certain letters were not visible and were too close to the hair of the police officer character.
I simply resized it and made it smaller and positioned it to the side and added extra colour in the background to illuminate it and make it readable.

Like my American Psycho piece I have done it with a white background giving the dark images a visual foothold and making them stand out.
These compared to the American Psycho piece is lacking in as many images but is equally as influenced by Tim Marrs, out of the two I prefer the one on the left as the composition is much better and the way it fits together looks much better than the other as the character at the top in the other one is obscured by the buildings which are the same colour, which is probably the main reason why. 
Theses two with the red and blue are meant to show the duality of the officer and the robber, as they are exactly the same however with a perverse differences being that one is on the right side of the law and the other not. Hence why I decided to make the red side damaged and destroyed to reflect the 'evil' of which resides in that character.
I added some water ripples on the one on the left to make it a literal reflection also.
I got the idea for this 'red & blue' piece whilst playing about with the images I used in the pieces above and then decided to experiment with it and create these also.

Out of all of them I like the most the red and blue piece as it is very simple but effective with the colours used to great effect representing the morality of the two characters and it also looks very professional in my opinion.  

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