Sunday 9 October 2011

final page: climax

I thought I would use the style of my self conflict piece, it borrows heavily from it using rain and a dark cityscape for a background creates a very dramatic piece of imagery and a fitting ending to the book. I used a lot of effects in this piece, including : rain, water droplets on the skin, water trails on the skin, wet hair, dermal damage to the face of both characters, blood, rain splashes on the characters creating a mist, stubble on the cop.

I spent a lot of time to make make this seem very realistic, the hair on the cop is actually from another image I took when I had that hair cut I believe it is from the same photo that I cut the hand out of for the previous page. I had to bend and transform it to make it fit the head, then add extra parts in to patch up any bald spots by copying and pasting.

Here is the image I used for the cop, as you can see he needed a hair transplant to keep some kind of continuity.

I was very pleased with this page it just all fits together nicely and looks great.
However it is slightly different from the style of the rest of the book, but that might not matter too much, anyway I will make an alternative in that style also.

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