Sunday 9 October 2011

Death Page

This was the original way I was going, with a white background so that the blood stands out and it is made clear that he is actually deceased.
This looked fine however it didn't seem right, I also had ideas about doing like a homicide outline sort of thing with the blood like what is seen at murder scenes, however it didn't seem like it would work so I scrapped that idea. 
This is the final outcome for this page I got the idea to use a spotlight from one of the punk posters I made, it also insinuates that he is under inspection from the police officer as he is taking off his mask, it also seems similar to an post mortem. 
The blood I used about two layers each with blood splatter marks on and blended a darker one over the top of the other, then I duplicated just one of them and used a radial blur on it to make it look smudged (over his right shoulder.)
Here is the photograph I used for the police officers arm, I didn't want to include his head in the image as I wanted the main focus to be the body of the robber and also because I now have a different hair cut so I wouldn't have looked right if I took a new photo. This photograph was originally intended to be used after the fight scene where he picks his gun back up after it being knocked out of his hand, but the way I formatted my book with only one main image per page didn't allow for the use of a lot of my photos.

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