Friday 4 May 2012


Regarding the book I made: The Officer, I thought it was very successful, firstly the mixture of textures, photographs and rough almost collage like editing was something new to me, so it was a good way of branching out and improving myself and creating something different to that I had done before hand.

 I was rather pleased with the aesthetic throughout the book, It gave the right vibe and tone I was after, as the posters I made before (Kleptoman and The red menace) were more tongue in cheek and I wanted to depart from that and create something dramatic and sinister. I used brushes on photoshop to create a dirty, grungy feel to the entire book, allowing me to layer of textures to make them look old and damaged.

The idea of the book firstly came from the logo project at the start which was for a security firm, one of my ideas for the logo were a robber and prison bars, I was then told to expand on that after it was finished and go in a different direction which I did, I created the movie posters with myself as a cop and a robber in Kleptoman and a similar theme of a authority figure and a hooded nemesis in 'The red menace'. The use of myself in the different roles spouted from my one of my first graphics pieces, self conflict; where I was battling myself apon a rooftop, and it looked fantastic so I continued with this method as it added a comical element to the humorous posters and also allowed me to add a twist to the graphic novel of them being the same person.

Over all I think it came out superbly and the book works well throughout and has its own distinct visual style.