Monday 26 September 2011

The Punk- Posters.

This is the character after cutting him out and giving him tattoos, I tried a few times to make them by simply changing the colour of the sleeves of the shirt however it still had a strange texture and creases so I instead just selected the area I wanted with the rigid lasso tool and digitally painted the skin in, this way it looked smooth, however the only thing that is a little bit of a give away is the fact that the actual tattoos have creases in them.
This is the next rendition where I changed the hair to make him seem more 'punkish' by making it slightly larger colouring it blue and putting streaks in the blue part by using a brush like 'brush' on photoshop which made it seem more fibrous and hair like.

This is my first outcome using textures on the ground and gradients as well as camera flares to make it look like a spotlight is on the character. The text I used about 3 layers firstly the text, then a multicoloured mask which I blended over the top and a texture of a cracking material to make it seem edgy and represent the character.
Here is the same piece just with extra lighting and the texture on the ground has been edited to have a higher contrast with exaggerated shadows and highlights as if it is night and a light has been beamed on the floor.

Here is an alternative version where it is quite simplistic, I implemented neon lights into it which I made quickly with the paint brush tool, I liked the lighting effect I made around the legs, however it doesn't look that good in the end so I decided to do another one with the neon lights.
 I really like this one; I duplicated the neon streaks and changed the colour and used the distortion filter and then used polar coordinates which joins the image in a circle (almost), I really like the result it reminded me of when moving a torch in front of a camera with a long shutter speed.

This is another with the same set however I made it more simplistic and just used the white lines, and some very small ones which works well I think.

Overall I really liked the way the Punk character came out he looks believable the only downfall is that tattoos having creases but its not that noticeable. Out of all the variants I like the one with the swirling neon lights however I decided not to use it as it is a bit too busy with the white stripes in the background.

Friday 16 September 2011

Page 8 reason for not using

The white page with the cop on by himself was originally meant to be him seeing that the robber has disappeared completely and all trace of him, with leaves the question, did he really exist, however I didn't like this ambiguous tangent so I am going to change it.

Sunday 4 September 2011

page 8

The last page didnt sit well as a sufficient ending so I am going to add a few more to finish it.
The intention of this page is to show the officers regret of killing the robber.

I decided that I did not like this page at all as both the way it was going in narrative and visual wasn't pleasing at all.

As it says that the robber wasn't really real and maybe just part of the cops mind. Which I thought was a terrible way to finish and seemed like the easy way out.